- Listen to Ron's Interview with Dr. Andrea Gould-Marks and Ron Roel -  

Two Old Friends Share their Journeys Helping People Navigate Life’s Changes


Episode description:  

Today, on the 5th anniversary of the 45 Forward podcast, my guest is Dr. Andrea Gould-Marks, a licensed psychologist, entrepreneurial coach, podcaster and seminar leader, based in Arizona—who also happens to be my life-long friend. We’ll be talking about our collective experiences over the years promoting creative strategies through times of change, offering resources and guidance for people navigating life’s crossroads, both personally and professionally. We’ll share our respective evolutions to where we’ve come today: I, with Roel Resources, moving to podcasting and writing about 45 Forward, my mission to help people thrive with purpose and productivity through the second half of life; and Andrea, with a unique career as a therapist, creating Lucid Learning Systems and co-founding Boom Talk Media, “to inspire and nurture the human journey with insightful media” as society undergoes the effects of rapid and often unrelenting change. We’ll reflect on the importance of friendship (including our own) and social connection today, and the need for “friendliness” in a culture driven apart by political differences. And, we’ll talk about our thoughts and hopes for the coming year—as well as how we can plan, adapt and succeed during a time of great uncertainty.

Guest description:

Dr. Andrea Gould-Marks is a licensed psychologist, entrepreneurial coach and seminar leader, based in the Tucson, Arizona area. Her work with groups and individuals provides creative guidance for people navigating life’s crossroads, both personally and professionally. With decades of expertise as a clinical and organizational psychologist, Andrea shares her skills and personal experiences to support the best of each of us in our relationships — the building blocks of a satisfying life. Her work in educational and business settings has shaped her multifaceted approach toward well-being, guiding clients toward well-integrated and purpose-filled lives. Along with her unique career as a therapist, Andrea is the Owner of Lucid Learning Systems and Co-founder of Boom Talk Media, which just begins with podcasts and broadens into an array of other projects, including newly published booklets she calls “Relief-Lets.” Together with “BB” Peters, their mission, is “to inspire and nurture the human journey with insightful media as we undergo the effects of rapid personal and global change.”

Contact:  andreagouldphd@lucidlearning.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.gould.75/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreagould/

 Website: https://www.boomtalkmedia.com/

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