February 12, 2024

- Listen to Ron's Interview with Scott Fulton and Catherine Owens -    

How to Have Those ‘Missing Conversations’ about Later Life


Episode Description:  

In an era of increasing longevity, we have the opportunity to lead vital and meaningful lives far into our later years. But there are lots of decisions facing “longevity adults” that require thoughtful, sometimes difficult, conversations with family, friends, colleagues, as well as experts in senior living. In today’s episode, Scott Fulton and Catherine Owens, the co-hosts of a lively podcast called “Tattered Capes,” present their rare blend of expertise in senior living and longevity lifestyles, offering sometimes widely divergent perspectives to achieve a common goal: Engaging people in life’s “missing conversations” that can spur us to a higher quality of life as we age. Catherine, a nationally recognized senior living expert, is the author of “Be Your Own Hero: Senior Living Decisions Simplified.” Scott, the co-author of influential works such as “Eldercare 101,” guides consumers and companies in designing better housing solutions for our longevity needs. Together, Catherine and Scott believe that while our experiences may leave our capes “somewhat tattered,” everyone has the power and capability to be the everyday hero of their own lives.

Guest Descriptions:

Scott Fulton is a recognized health and longevity thought leader, celebrated for his pragmatic, systems approach to solving big challenges. He wears multiple hats as an accomplished business leader, adult educator, design consultant, and keynote speaker. Scott also serves on numerous community, national, and corporate Boards. Scott embodies a unique fusion of scientific expertise, innovative thinking, corporate systems insight, and a dedication to advancing public health. He seamlessly weaves these facets into his endeavors, fueled by a profound passion and a resolute sense of purpose. In his role as President of Home Ideations, Scott guides consumers and corporate clients to see opportunities in designing better solutions for tomorrow’s longevity needs. Notably, he recently designed and built a forward-looking home for his family that he calls the Livability Project, with functional design features for today’s longevity adults. Concurrently, he teaches adult students at the Universities of Virginia and Delaware, affording a rare opportunity to gain insights into the contemporary adult mindset. Scott serves as President of The National Aging in Place Council and is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. A respected author, Scott has co-authored influential works such as “Eldercare 101,” “Aging in Place Conversations,” and “Longevity Lifestyle by Design.” His latest project, WHEALTHSPAN, was released in late 2023. As a co-host on “The Tattered Capes Podcast,” Scott passionately shares his mission to foster awareness about the opportunities associated with aging, longevity, and the capacity to optimize for healthy and fulfilling lives. Beyond his intellectual pursuits, Scott is a multisport athlete, competing in numerous triathlon events, including two Ironmans.

Catherine L. Owens is a nationally recognized Senior Living Industry expert, Aging Well authority, and owner of CLO Consulting. Catherine specializes in all aspects related to business program development and execution, sales coaching, and training, and turning struggling communities into thriving communities. Catherine is an internationally award-winning, best-selling author of the books “Shine on You Crazy Diamond: Even When Your Crown Feels Heavy” and “Be Your Own Hero: Senior Living Decisions Simplified” and co-author of best-selling books, “What’s Next: Igniting Change and Impact in Health, Fitness and Life Now, and “Difficult Aging in Place Conversations.” For Catherine, the phrase “Be Your Own Herois not just the title of her book, it is a mindset that has resonated with her since childhood, embodies who she is, and an approach she takes in all aspects of life. Catherine’s belief that everyone has the power and capability to Be Their Own Hero, is not only a common thread seen and felt in her personal and professional life, but what drives her motivation, desire, and commitment, to encourage, support, and empower others to find their own hero within. As Co-Host of The Tattered Capes Podcast, Catherine is dedicated to changing the conversations around healthy aging choices that hold potential for increased opportunities for continued higher quality of life as we age.

Contact: scottf@homeideations.com


 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scott.fultonio

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottfultonentrepreneur/

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catlowens/


Websites: https://tatteredcapes.com/



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