- Listen to Ron's Interview with Scott Fulton -  

ENCORE: Want to Add 10 Healthy Years to Your Life? Here’s How.


Episode description:  

Most will unknowingly give away about 10 years of healthy living—our  “healthspan” years—and the opportunity to continue enjoying daily living to the fullest. We know this, says longevity expert and educator Scott Fulton, based on data gathered from hundreds of millions of people. We don’t hear a lot about it, Scott adds, because the things that promote longevity aren’t deeply rooted in anti-aging products or retirement resorts, but rather in simple, accessible lifestyle choices. In today’s episode, Scott—a researcher, innovator, and engineer by training—talks about how millions of us could easily live healthy to 95, with just some basic education on how interconnected our bodies are with our lifestyle choices and our environment. No pills or potions; just informed natural choices, resulting in both immediate and sustainable lifestyle benefits. Scott will explain how people can “reverse engineer” the life they dream of, improve the quality of life today and achieve additional healthier years in the future by balancing what he calls the “Five Pillars of Longevity Success”: Mind, Environment, Diet, Exercise and Community. Scott, who established Home Ideations, a livability consulting company, is also a dedicated educator at heart, and he will describe his dynamic adult education courses, the Longevity Advantage™, and  Whealthspan™, a balanced investment approach to both health and wealth. Life happens, and if decisions are left unaddressed, they make themselves. Ultimately, longevity isn’t about doing one thing right, or about perfection, or just for the chosen few, Scott notes. It’s available to almost all of us and it’s just about making informed choices along the journey of life.

Guest description:  

Scott Fulton is a longevity authority and healthy aging advocate. A researcher, innovator, entrepreneur and pragmatic engineer, Scott is recognized for outside-the-box, direct approaches to solve big challenges. He brings an uncommon systems mindset to public health and aging and believes most of us could easily add ten healthy years to life, just by pausing, switching off the noise of life and internalizing the “healthspan” opportunity within our reach today. Scott is the Founder and President of Home Ideations, an education and consulting company focused on commercial and consumer health span solutions. He also is Chair of the National Aging in Place Council, teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Delaware; and is an active member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, National Health Association and True Health Initiative council.

Scott’s multinational corporate experience helps prominent physicians and wealth management companies lean into major, unaddressed consumer market shifts to innovate and differentiate, beyond the conventional tools and thinking that limit their reach and impact. Scott is the Founder of the Longevity Advantage™ and Whealthspan™ health education platforms. An engineering technology graduate of St. Lawrence College, he has served in a uniquely broad range of roles, from researcher to plant manager for a major chemical company to expert witness. Today you’re most likely to find him as guest on a podcast or hosting the Longevity Advantage podcast.

Contact: scottf@homeideations.com

To learn more about Scott’s programs and services log on to these websites:                     




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