Life is Enhanced when we’re Prepared.

I Help People Make Their Second Half

The Better Half.

Thanks to advances in medicine and health, most of us are just at half-life when we reach our mid-40s, with many potentially productive years ahead. But there’s no road map to prepare us for this period.

That’s where comes in.

A Print Copy of The CareGiving Navigator is Now Available!

Listen to Ron's radio broadcast every Monday at Noon Pacific / 3 p.m Eastern time:

Are You Prepared to Make Your Second Half the Better Half?

Are You Prepared to Make Your Second Half the Better Half?

New? Start Here!

Fear of the future is not knowing how to prepare for it.

Roel Resources will help you shape your own life through unique information, resources and inspiring stories.

Every Monday (at noon Pacific / 3 pm Eastern Time on VoiceAmerica radio) Ron provides you with strategies to shift the traditional waiting-for-retirement model to a journey of compelling life chapters. 

Every week Ron interviews fascinating people with a wide range of "Second Half" insights, tips and resources. Here you will find a rich audio archive of these entertaining and informative interviews.

The Caregiving Navigator is a dynamic interactive tool that spells out for caregivers and their loved ones how to plan along the way, what to do, and where to turn for the most useful resources and services.

Inspiring Articles and Blog reflections ranging from "Body and Soul", Family and Friends", "Community" and  "Unretirement" to a rolling compendium of Ron's essays.

They Say

Peter Strauss

Recently Retired

"These resources helped me finally get my second-half ducks in a row. Thanks Ron."

Julia Stewart

Mother's Caregiver

" I didn't know where to turn until you led the way. Thank you for that!"

Stay up to date with the latest tips & tools from pro communicators.

Each show tackles an aspect of health, finance, family and friends, housing, work and personal pursuits as part of an integrated plan. Experts discuss topics like revitalizing relationships, creating mini-retirements, managing the maze of technology, finding your next homestead and caring for aging parents.

- Coming Next Wednesday - The Founder of a Leading Local Media Company Recounts her Storied Career   SHOW DESCRIPTIONAs we continue celebrating Women’s History Month, 45 Forward celebrates Victoria Schneps, a ... READ MORE

- Watch Ron's Interview with Bonnie D. Graham -  Celebrating a Modern Renaissance Woman during Women’s History Month   SHOW DESCRIPTIONAs we kick off Women’s History Month this year, 45 Forward ... READ MORE

- Listen to Ron's Interview with Paul Arfin -  The Well-Lived Life of a Serial Social Entrepreneur    Episode description:  There are many people who work for social service organizations during their ... READ MORE

- Listen to Ron's Interview with Sal LaGreca and Michael Mannix -   Can You Find Personal & Professional Success through the “5 Ls”?    Episode description:  As we move through ... READ MORE

- Listen to Ron's Interview with Dorian Stern -   Helping People with Disabilities Lead Independent Lives—with Canine Companions    Episode description:  For people with disabilities, leading an independent life can ... READ MORE

- Listen to Ron's Interview with Beatty Cohan -  Discovering the Path to LastingLove in Today’s Troubling World   Episode description:  As we look forward to the end of winter, there’s always ... READ MORE

About Ron.

Ronald E. Roel is president of Roel Resources, a New York editorial consulting firm that provides information services specializing in aging issues. He a veteran journalist who spent a wide-ranging career covering business, politics and social issues, focusing during the last two decades on the blend of diverse life skills he defines as  “successful aging.”

He has written extensively on aging topics, spoken at conferences, radio and TV shows, and launched several entrepreneurial ventures. He spent 20 years as a writer and editor at Long Island’s daily newspaper, Newsday, helping to found Act 2, a weekly section for 50-plus readers.

Ron is active in several programs, events and organizations that support seniors, including AARP,  the Alzheimer’s Association, the National Aging In Place Council and the Senior Umbrella Network. He has developed a special expertise in family caregiving, as one of four brothers who took care of their mother for almost 25 years

His forthcoming book for family caregivers on Long Island, The Caregiving Navigator: How to Plan, What to do, and Where to Turn When Caring for you Aging Loved Ones. And Yourself. is scheduled for publication in late 2021.

Ron has been an instructor at several local universities, recently teaching “News Literacy” and “The History and Future of the American Press” at Stony Brook University’s Journalism School.

He is a graduate of Yale College and the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

Boost Your Skills.

Are You Prepared to Make Your Second Half the Better Half?

Listen to Ron's radio broadcast every Monday at Noon Pacific / 3 p.m Eastern time: